by sbmhasan / on 24 November, 2022

Footer Credit Text Remove : also remove the credit text easily.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia orci at sem mattis molestie. Integer nec dui erat. Proin dui sapien, pretium qui...
by peccular / on 24 November, 2022

Change the Footer Copyright Information in the theme?

you can. Peccular theme allows you to change the footer copyright information and add your own content. It is quite simple. Just follow these steps:...
by sbmhasan / on 24 November, 2022

There is a way to change the page sidebar layout ?

To connect your email id with Contact form, you need to do some settings in your Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame plugin under respective form. Follow the s...
by peccular / on 24 November, 2022

How to Connect your email id with Contact form?

To connect your email id with Contact form, you need to do some settings in your Contact Form 7 plugin under respective form. Follow the steps given ...
by sbmhasan / on 24 November, 2022

To control the Blogs limit in the theme ?

You can change the limit to show blogs on your site by following the steps given below1. Go to WordPress Admin Dashboard --> Settings --> Readi...
by peccular / on 24 November, 2022

Awesome Slider : Make your slider more attractive

Ut ullamcorper, arcu non bibendum venenatis, lorem libero fringilla dolor, sit amet rutrum augue mi vitae lectus. Cras ac felis urna. Nunc eu odio vi...
by sbmhasan / on 24 November, 2022

How to remove Breadcrumbs from the page?

This theme allows you to show or hide breadcrumbs from your page.Follow the steps as below:1. Go to Customizer --> General Settings --> Other S...
by peccular / on 24 November, 2022

Fonts Options : Formatting the google fonts as your need

Quisque sit amet sem augue. Integer metus ligula, semper sed varius id, fringilla quis mauris. Nulla non tempus erat. Morbi at ullamcorper est. Praes...
by sbmhasan / on 24 November, 2022

How to add items to menu in the theme ?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia orci at sem mattis molestie. Integer nec dui erat. Proin dui sapien, pretium qui...
by peccular / on 24 November, 2022

Post Format Layout : Change the outlook of your theme ?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia orci at sem mattis molestie. Integer nec dui erat. Proin dui sapien, pretium qui...